Research Support and Language Study Opportunities

There are numerous opportunities at UChicago for MAPSS students to develop their research and language competencies beyond their coursework. While MAPSS students are not required to pursue any of them, they can be of significant value for those seeking research support and additional preparation for doctoral studies after completing the program. As new opportunities continuously arise, we encourage students to investigate further by checking UChicago Grad’s database and consulting with research and instructional faculty.
Ipsos Microgrant Awards for Innovative Research in the Social Sciences provide support for student thesis research by ensuring access to cutting-edge facilities, technology, and mentors through Ipsos, one of the world’s largest market research and polling companies.
Applications open in the winter quarter of every year and are announced by the MAPSS Career Services Office.
The Center for International Social Science Research provides support for students pursuing short-term field research abroad.
The Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality provides support for students presenting at conferences and workshops.
The Kreisman Graduate Fellows Program is for students committed to pursuing careers in housing research or practice. Fellows pursue an independent internship or research project in the housing field, supported by a stipend.
The Center for East Asian Studies provides support for students presenting at conferences and workshops.
The Committee on Southern Asian Studies provides support for student research, conference presentations, and language study.
The Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies provides support for field research in Latin America or the Caribbean.
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies provides information on external grant and fellowship opportunities for those pursuing research in the Middle East.
The France Chicago Center provides support for research and language study in France.
The Center in Beijing provides research residencies for those pursuing research in China.
The Nicholson Center for British Studies provides support for students pursuing research topics in British Studies.
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers provides funded opportunities for students pursuing research abroad.
Boren Awards fund research abroad for U.S. graduate students in world regions critical to U.S. interests.
The UChicago Summer Language Institute offers intensive language study in the summer prior to or following students’ MAPSS year at a discounted tuition rate. Students intending to pursue a thesis project for which an additional language is necessary are urged to pursue language training at SLI prior to matriculating in MAPSS.
Foreign Language Area Studies Summer Fellowships are open to graduate students who are U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents who are enrolled in or applying to a full-time program that combines modern foreign language training with international or area studies.
FLAS fellowships are administered by area studies centers and institutes, including the following:
- The Center for East Asian Studies
- The Committee on Southern Asian Studies
- The Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies
- The Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies
The France Chicago Center provides support for language study in France.
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies provides information on external grant and fellowship opportunities for those pursuing language study in the Middle East.
The Council of American Overseas Research Centers provides funded opportunities for studying languages abroad.
Boren Awards fund language study for U.S. graduate students in world regions critical to U.S. interests.