2018 TO 19

Helena Abney-McPeek is a rising freshman at Harvard University planning to study computer science. Her work as a CI intern involves spatial analysis of oral cancer in Chicagoland.

Shiv Agrawal is a student at the University of Chicago's College with a concentration in applied math and physics. As a CI summer intern, he has been optimizing algorithms to compute access metrics and is working on solutions for implementing graph theory.

Arpan Laha is a student in copmuter science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. As a CI intern he is working on a project to make Argonne's Array of Things data and NASA satellite images more accessible for research.

George Oliver is a Masters student in computer science at the University of Chicago. His intern work involved creating a GUI to make the computation of multi-modal travel times and metrics accessible to researchers and cities.

Jerry Shi is a student at the University of Chicago's College. As an SSD intern, he is developing Jupyter Notebooks to make code for cleaning social service contracts data more accessible.

Tiye is a Public Policy student at the University of Chicago with a specialization in Geographic Information Systems. Her work focuses on the relationship between the social determinants of health and the built environment in order to create a business case for considering health in policy outcomes.

Breanna is an upcoming junior at the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. She is working with Dr. Marynia Kolak this summer on social determinants of health.