
The Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics prepares students for a future in world-changing research. The department boasts affiliations with numerous research centers and initiatives including the Becker Friedman Institute for Economics, the Center for the Economics of Human Development, the Development Innovation Lab, and more.
Our faculty are renowned for their seminal contributions to the field, achievements recognized with numerous Nobel Prizes, Clark Medals, and other distinctions. Thirty-three Nobel prizes in the field of economics have been awarded to individuals associated with the University; still, students in the department have the opportunity to interact daily with faculty who are passionate about continuing to shape the profession through collaboration and thoughtful instruction.
Recipients of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences include:
- Douglas Diamond, 2022
- David Card, 2021
- Michael Kremer, 2019
- Paul M. Romer*, 2018
- Richard Thaler‡, 2017
- Lars Peter Hansen, 2013
- Eugene F. Fama*, 2013
- Thomas J. Sargent, 2011
- Leonid Hurwicz, 2007
- Roger B. Myerson, 2007
- Edward C. Prescott, 2004
- Daniel L. McFadden, 2000
- James J. Heckman, 2000
- Robert A. Mundell, 1999
- Myron S. Scholes*, 1997
- Robert E. Lucas Jr.*, 1995
- Robert W. Fogel, 1993
- Gary S. Becker*, 1992
- Ronald H. Coase, 1991
- Harry M. Markowitz*, 1990
- Merton H. Miller, 1990
- Trygve Haavelmo, 1989
- James M. Buchanan Jr.*, 1986
- Gerard Debreu, 1983
- George J. Stigler*, 1982
- Lawrence R. Klein, 1980
- Theodore W. Schultz, 1979
- Herbert A. Simon*, 1978
- Milton Friedman*, 1976
- Tjalling C. Koopmans, 1975
- Friedrich August von Hayek, 1974
- Kenneth J. Arrow, 1972
- Paul A. Samuelson*, 1970