Ali Hortaçsu announced as William B. Ogden Distinguished Service Professor

A member of the University of Chicago Economics faculty since 2001, Hortaçsu's research focuses on industrial organization. Through novel econometric models, he conducts pioneering studies of market clearing mechanisms widely utilized in wholesale electricity markets, government securities markets, monetary policy implementation, and e-commerce, allowing analysts to assess the efficiency and revenue/cost performance and to help design mechanisms with superior performance.
Hortaçsu has published extensively in major economics and general interest journals, including PNAS, Econometrica, American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and the Journal of Political Economy.
In 2021, he was awarded the Koç University Rahmi Koç Medal of Science. He is an elected Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and an elected Fellow of the Econometric Society. In service to our community of scholars, he has chaired or been a dissertation committee member for more than 60 doctoral students and sat on the Steering Committee of the Computational Social Science program, Social Science Research Infrastructure Committee, the university-wide Brain and Behavior Initiative Committee, and the Faculty Advisory Committee of the Research Computing Center.